C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
114 lines
/* Header file for definitions and declarations for the */
/* PCcurses package. These definitions should not be gene- */
/* rally accessible to programmers. */
/* This version of curses is based on ncurses, a curses version */
/* originally written by Pavel Curtis at Cornell University. */
/* I have made substantial changes to make it run on IBM PC's, */
/* and therefore consider myself free to make it public domain. */
/* Bjorn Larsson (bl@infovox.se) */
/* 1.4: ERR/ OK redefinied in curses.h. Use of short */
/* wherever possible Portability improvements: 900114 */
/* 1.3: All modules lint-checked with MSC '-W3' and */
/* Turbo'C' '-w -w-pro' switches: 881005 */
/* 1.2: Support (by #ifdef UCMASM) for uppercase-only */
/* assembly routine names. If UCMASM if defined, */
/* all assembler names are #defined as upper case. */
/* Not needed if you do "MASM /MX. Also missing */
/* declaration of cursesscroll(). Fixes thanks to */
/* N.D. Pentcheff: 881002 */
/* 1.1: Add _chadd() for raw output routines: 880306 */
/* 1.0: Release: 870515 */
#define CURSES_RCS_ID "@(#)PCcurses v.1.4 - 900114"
/* window properties */
#define _SUBWIN 1 /* window is a subwindow */
#define _ENDLINE 2 /* last winline is last screen line */
#define _FULLWIN 4 /* window fills screen */
#define _SCROLLWIN 8 /* window lwr rgt is screen lwr rgt */
/* Miscellaneous */
#define _INBUFSIZ 200 /* size of terminal input buffer */
#define _NO_CHANGE -1 /* flags line edge unchanged */
#define _BREAKCHAR 0x03 /* ^C character */
#define _DCCHAR 0x08 /* Delete Char char (BS) */
#define _DLCHAR 0x1b /* Delete Line char (ESC) */
#define _GOCHAR 0x11 /* ^Q character */
#define _PRINTCHAR 0x10 /* ^P character */
#define _STOPCHAR 0x13 /* ^S character */
#define NUNGETCH 10 /* max # chars to ungetch() */
/* character mask definitions */
#define CHR_MSK ((int) 0x00ff) /* ASCIIZ character mask */
#define ATR_MSK ((int) 0xff00) /* attribute mask */
#define ATR_NRM ((int) 0x0000) /* no special attributes */
/* type declarations */
typedef struct
WINDOW *tmpwin; /* window used for updates */
short cursrow; /* position of physical cursor */
short curscol;
bool autocr; /* if lf -> crlf */
bool cbreak; /* if terminal unbuffered */
bool echo; /* if terminal echo */
bool raw; /* if terminal raw mode */
bool refrbrk; /* if premature refresh brk allowed */
bool orgcbr; /* original MSDOS ^-BREAK setting */
} cursv;
/* External variables */
extern cursv _cursvar; /* curses variables */
/* 'C' standard library function declarations */
extern char *calloc();
extern char *malloc();
extern void free();
extern int sprintf();
extern int sscanf();
/* Curses internal functions, not to be used by programmers */
/* #Define UCMASM if your version of MASM does not support */
/* the '/MX' switch, or if you use another assembler */
#ifdef UCMASM
#define _cursescattr _CURSESCATTR
#define _cursescmode _CURSESCMODE
#define _cursescursor _CURSESCURSOR
#define _cursesgcb _CURSESGCB
#define _cursesgcmode _CURSESGCMODE
#define _cursesgcols _CURSESGCOLS
#define _curseskey _CURSESKEY
#define _cursesscroll _CURSESSCROLL
#define _curseskeytst _CURSESKEYTST
#define _cursesputc _CURSESPUTC
#define _cursesscb _CURSESSCB
extern int _chadd();
extern void _cursescattr();
extern void _cursescmode();
extern void _cursescursor();
extern int _cursesgcb();
extern int _cursesgcmode();
extern int _cursesgcols();
extern int _curseskey();
extern bool _curseskeytst();
extern void _cursesscroll();
extern bool _cursespendch();
extern void _cursesputc();
extern void _cursesscb();